Some of the things you can experience today with homes in terms of home automation were only a dream years ago. Who could imagine having the conveniences Rosie the Robot provided like in the 1960s TV show, the Jetsons? However, today many of those robot-like conveniences have become a reality due to home automation.
Home automation lets you control almost every aspect of your home that is electrically powered. You can manage your appliances and your home’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system from wherever you are and whenever you need to. Not only do you have control, but you also have the added benefits of peace of mind, comfort, convenience, and savings.
The primary attraction to using various types of home automation is their energy efficiency, which leads to a cost-saving benefit. Let’s look at some examples of home automation and their cost-savings that we offer here at Ellington Air Conditioning & Heat.
Home Automation Lighting
Smart interior and exterior lighting allow you to save money on the cost of providing light to your home. With smart lighting and your remote communication device, you can give the appearance of being at home when you may actually be on vacation. Controlling your lights can deter would-be criminals and save you the cost of having to replace stolen property or repair damage to your home.
Having lights that automatically come on inside the home or ones that adjust to the desired brightness when you enter an area will keep you from spending money on lighting areas when they are not in use. It’s both convenient and safe to have lights automatically come on when you get up to go into the kitchen or the bathroom in the middle of the night.
When installing smart lighting, there will be an initial expense with the purchase of the smart technology control device, lightbulbs, and switches. However, in the end, the cost-savings benefits are well worth it.
Automated Thermostats
The cost-saving benefit that stands out the most is the amount of money you can save on heating and cooling your home. You waste money by cooling a home or keeping it warm when no one is at home. Then, when you return home, you may have to use more energy adjusting the temperature to get the house comfortable.
By using a programmable thermostat, you can set the temperature in the home to pre-set levels. Some programmable thermostats store up to six temperature settings a day. That way, you can be confident of not utilizing unnecessary energy while you are away from home and be able to return to a house set at a comfortable temperature.
You will save money for each degree you adjust the temperature in your home. For the average homeowner, that could be a substantial saving.
Zoned Heating and Cooling
In addition to controlling the temperature, you can also control where the air flows in your home. For some rooms, adjusting the thermostat is not enough. Some rooms may have a lot of windows, which could cause uneven heating, while other rooms may need very little air or heat because you don’t use them.
Using a zoning system can help keep the rooms in your home at a consistently comfortable temperature. With zoning, you can send more heated or cooled air to the places where you want it and less where it’s not needed. Also, your HVAC system will not run as often, which will increase its life cycle.
Other Types of Home Automation
Some of the other types of home automation control options include automatic door locks, curtains and blinds, and video surveillance systems. Different benefits are associated with each type of home automation. Ultimately, they all lead to cost savings.
To save money with automated lighting, HVAC, or other systems, contact Ellington Air Conditioning & Heat.